I truly believe in life purpose and divine intervention. At the age of 19, several seemingly random elements fell into place, resulting in my traveling alongside One World Health to Uganda. This incredible opportunity spurred an alteration in my life, ultimately defining who I am today. Not to belabor the details, but every step from that point forward began to shape my personality and my career, elucidating my desire to serve in a manner that reached far beyond the borders of my comfort and my home. I continued to serve with One World Health in various capacities, as I completed education and sought more medical experience. Fast forward a decade and some change, I work as a civilian and Army Physician Assistant, actively employing the skills and attributes gained through my experiences with One World Health. In late 2022, a new opportunity arose, one that would allow me to return to the country that I credit with teaching me almost every life lesson I needed to find my version of success. Through partnership with The Upward Twist, I was able to return to Uganda in February 2023, serving as a lead medical provider on the Insider's Team. I cannot even begin to describe the surreal experience... to return to the country I feel raised me. I had the opportunity to work directly alongside Ugandan providers, as a provider myself. There was a moment, when I looked around and thought, "My goodness....I am living the life that I dreamed, surrounded by people I love and doing work I am passionate about." I was no longer "just" the student... I was literally working, side-by-side with mentors and teachers -- it still takes my breath away. There is truly nothing more humbling to me. I believe, without a doubt, at 19 - God utilized One World Health to launch my desire to pursue rural medicine and seek a life that refuses to acknowledge barriers. And in 2023, God utilized the organization and donors of The Upward Twist to allow me to actively use everything I gained to give back to the country of Uganda. The full circle of this story will never lose its power in my mind - the ability to witness divine planning firsthand has to exist as one of the single most powerful experiences. It is with much gratitude, that I reflect on my personal story and the integral part so many played. I am eternally grateful for organizations like One World Health and The Upward Twist... for what they are doing in the lives of so many, including myself. Thank you for helping me find, and reaffirming my purpose in this life. Thank you for listening to that spiritual tug, for graciously and selflessly giving to hundreds of individuals. I am forever changed and forever grateful.