My recent trip to MMO - Thailand 2023 certainly did not turn out how I expected. Upon arrival at 3 am Saturday morning (after I’m not sure how many hours of travel)I found out my husband had tested positive for covid at home . A few hours later, I too tested positive. I then quarantined in a hotel in Bangkok while the team continued on to serve. Disappointed? Discouraged? Disbelief? All of those and so much more!
However, through this I met Pastor Rick and Tammy Salmon, 30 year missionaries to Thailand. Tammy checked on me multiple times a day, recommended Thai foods, sent Starbucks, and delivered care packages. Most of all, she encouraged me with this note “I am sure when you tested positive -it seemed crazy for God to let you come so far on this trip to stay alone in a hotel in a foreign land but I know God sent you to me to encourage my heart in this season. You have done just that! I needed hope and just to know someone else understands!”
A dear missionary friend reminded me “God took Phillip in the book of Acts from a revival to ministering to one man - the Ethiopian eunuch. He used a lone widow woman to minister to His servant, Elijah. He's using you, just not it the way you expected.”
I was able to join clinic the last day, but not able to see patients due to cultural beliefs. This picture was taken by a 3 year old !!
This was a trip I won’t soon forget, and I pray that God continues to use me in ways I can’t understand- that I might continue to grow in His faith and love.
I’m thankful for The Upward Twist for honoring their commitment to me even though I didn’t serve in the capacity I had planned.
Tammy Canfield, CNP