Looking back at this past medical mission trip to Romania through Medical Missions Outreach, there was one word that encapsulated what I experienced, as well as, what many members of our team echoed throughout the week that we were there. That word is "humbling." First, I was humbled by the examples of other believers at the Christian Baptist Church in Bucharest, who have made many personal sacrifices and continue to make sacrifices, as they helped meet the many physical needs of the families displaced by the Ukrainian-Russian War. It is through their countless hours of selfless voluntary work and expression of sacrificial love that have opened the doors for ministry in showing God's love to those that need it the most. Secondly, I was humbled by the courage and resilience of these refugees, most of which were women, to continue to be strong for their families as their husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends continue to fight for their freedom. I was humbled to hear their stories of plight from the war and broken for those that have lost someone through this war. This experience was truly unlike other medical missions trips that I have been part of. Not only did we have to address a medical need, but also had to share God's words of hope and encouragement, as many have lost some and some have lost all. Lastly, I wanted to mention that part of the donation of Upward Twist was given to help purchase a new crib for a mother who came to the clinic with a 3 month old baby. This mother was in desperate need of receiving hope as she had no family in Romania, her husband is more than likely fighting the war, she has to take care of two young children on her own, and she had recently suffered a mild stroke. When she found out that the church was giving her a new crib and supplies for her baby, she left the church with tears of joy and hope!
So thank you again to Upward Twist for investing in something that truly makes a lasting impact in the lives and souls of people all to the glory of God!
I hope that I'll have the opportunity to share many more wonderful insights to what God is doing in reaching the lost through medical missions.
God bless!
Ryan Macatugal, PT, DPT