Kelsey Hadley, ER Research Analyst
, Nicaragua

As we landed we were welcomed by the locals. I am never really amazed that their hearts always seem much bigger than my own. We got busy and saw several hundred patients the first day. The island where we were serving is very remote and it can be pretty expensive for them to seek medical care. It was such a blessing to use some of the skills I have learned here in the US to take vitals and help triage on the mission field. I don’t know much Spanish so there can be a bit of a language barrier at times. When the little kids sit down in my chair, I assume they are frightened and try to ease their anxiety by putting my stethoscope in their ears and let them listen to my heart…then, I am able to ask them if I can listen to theirs. One little girl was crying and horrified. Her mom took her away until she calmed down. I let her listen to my heart and then I listened to hers. She was so calm. In that moment, I was reminded that our Heavenly Father does the same with us. When we are afraid, all we have to do is put our ear to the heartbeat of Christ and all our fears and anxieties are instantly muted. (1 Peter 5:7) “Cast all anxiety on him because he cares for you.” It just took that little girl hearing my heartbeat to know that I wasn’t there to hurt her, but there to care for her. After a few days of medical, eye, and physical therapy examinations, we flew off the island and back to the mission. We were taken to the local dump where some of the locals live and work. It was so eye opening and heart wrenching at the same time. I didn’t want to leave. We were able to participate in a feeding program that the mission has set up for the kids at the dump. This took place at the local church. I had the honor of scooping chicken soup. One of my teammates and I were praying and asking God to multiply the chicken. Each bowl needed at least one piece of chicken, but it didn’t appear that there would be enough. The next thing we knew, we had served our last bowl of soup and everyone got at least one piece of chicken. I was quickly reminded to call upon the name of my Father and He will save me! (Romans 10:13). Our God is SO big. I think my faith increase 10-fold that day! As I embark on my journey to medical school, I know without a shadow-of-a-doubt that missions will continue to be part of how I want to serve. I know that I am called to be a doctor and serve other countries, as well as my own country. I am forever grateful for the opportunity that I was given by Upward Twist to help me financially and spiritually serve in Nicaragua - it was a trip I will never forget! I don’t know if I did much, but I was given more than I ever expected! Thank you!