As expected, Malawi 2024 was a life changing and perspective shaping experience. Malawi is filled with beauty and yet darkness. Children run, play, and laugh wearing worn clothes and shoes, or maybe one shoe or no shoes at all. They fight the crowd for the handouts of a Dum-Dum lollipop, a sticker, or a pair of sunglasses. They are thankful people, but desperate. Our team provided medical, optical, and dental care. Many came to sit in the dirt and wait their turn. It was heartbreaking to feel like we are only putting Band-Aids on large, gaping wounds of poverty, brokenness, and pain. In a world of darkness, it seems that there is no hope unless you know the one who holds all hope. The Hope and the Great Physician is the only answer, and that is why we go. Malawi 2024 was enough to break my heart, stir my spirit, and burden me to do more.
Kim Lange