Ryanne Gonzalez, CNA
Tela, Honduras

His love compels us.
From June 21st through 29th I had the precious opportunity to serve on a medical mission to three local churches in Tela, Honduras through Medical Missions Outreach. I'm still in AWE of how God moved that week in Tela. It was such an honor to serve with such a beautiful family in Christ and fellow healthcare professionals who are in love with Jesus and live to make Him known.
I had the role of nurse provider and education. I had the opportunity to listen to so many patients' physical needs, but most importantly, I got to share the gospel with many of them and pray for them as they shared their personal lives with me. Some of them struggled with anxiety and depression, and some of them had unresolved grief, church hurt, or just hopelessness due to poverty. I got to share about the One who meets them where they are, sees their sin, but extends His hand through Christ Jesus to reconcile them with Him and cleanse them from their sin. The One that does not promise to take them out of poverty or heal them instantly from every illness, but brings true freedom and purpose on this side of eternity, while promises Heaven on the other side for those who believe.
There is nothing like truly meeting people where they are and tending to their physical and spiritual needs just like Jesus did, and it truly was a privilege to get to do this with the people of Tela!
- 44 team members from different parts of the country
- 4 days of clinics
- 3 different locations in local churches
- 1,235 patients were seen
- Many many confessions of faith that will have churches to return to and get discipled!
I was meditating on this verse on our way back and it was so beautiful to see it come alive before my eyes in Honduras: "For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Thank you Jesus for demonstrating the ultimate act of sacrificial love so that we no longer live for ourselves but be compelled to lay our lives at Your feet to move the gospel forward!
And thank you BNF family for your generosity! I would have not been able to be part of this without this scholarship.
Ryanne Gonzalez
Registered nurse based in Atlanta, Georgia