Belkis Wilson, RN
El Progresso, Honduras

My April 2024 MMO trip was something I had been praying for. The ability to go back home and use my medical skills to show the love of the great physicians has always been my dream.
I landed later that day in San Pedro Sula international airport. My first time back in the country in 2 years. I thought on how much I’ve changed and how much God has done in my life.
I thought about how thankful I was for each and every person who made this missions trip possible. God gives us all burdens, but together we can lessen the load so Gods work can be done.
A few days after my arrival and settling in, the work started. Smiling faces, downcast sighs, young, and old. All were in desperate need of medical care. The surgical team I was a part of was focused on podiatry. Podiatry is the work associated mainly with the feet. What a blessing are the feet of those seeking the truth. By the end of the week in El Progreso, Honduras, we had seen 13 patients come through our surgical center. We were so honored to hear that one of these 13 patients put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
I am so thankful for this opportunity I had to give back to community. Thank you for making this possible.