Dolores Thrash, Paramedic/PCT
Rakiraki, Fiji

In God I put my Trust and Always Will. He makes the Impossible Possible. I have seen his hands at work day after day and I am always in awe of what he can do.
Participating in Medical Missions was not something I ever thought I'd be able to do but God obviously thought differently and led me to it and opened doors for me. Through his Blessings I have received some of the Greatest Gifts of My Life while serving in the field.
It's said that God works in Mysterious Ways and often we don't understand the challenges he puts in our path but one thing always remains true....He has a Plan!!!
Luganville, Vanuatu was our destination and for close to a year plans were being made for us to go and serve the people there, however, God apparently had different plans. The airline that services the remote island of Espiritu Santo cancelled flights for the month of August. This flight was crucial for us to be able to serve in Vanuatu.
In the 11th hour, after flights got changed and cancelled 5 times it became apparent this mission trip, as scheduled, would not happen. With only a few weeks to go, a call was placed to a pastor in Fiji and he happily accepted our offer to come there and serve the people of Fiji. God obviously wanted us there because with only 3-4 weeks notice the pastor and our team was able to arrange everything so we could come.
The first half of our Mission Trip was serving the people in Lautoka on the Western side of Fiji and the second half we served in Rakiraki which is on the Northern side of the Island.
This Mission Trip we were able to serve with Medical, Optical and Physical Therapy Needs.
The people of Fiji were among the Happiest and Most Friendly people I've ever met. No matter how bad their circumstances were, they were always smiling, always wanting to do for us whatever they could and extremely grateful for us having come so far to help them.
In all, 36 Team Members went to Fiji and served 1,863 patients. All received the Gospel and before we left Fiji, 387 had come to accept Jesus and became members of the churches where we had served. Later reports have shown even more people at the churches since we have left.
As grateful as the Fijians were for our having come there to help them, I don't believe they'll ever know the Blessing I received by being able to do that for them.
I recently read that Life is an Opportunity to Create Meaning....I Truly Hope and Pray that my small contribution on this and every Mission Trip has created meaning for those I served. I know it has created meaning for me in my life and I believe it has given me eyes to see people as Jesus sees them.
As always, I will continue to have Trust in Him and know that whatever he has planned for me, I will continue to try and live my life with meaning!
Thank You for All Your Support!!!
Dolores Thrash