My name is Dorie Bird, and I am an Emergency Room RN. I was blessed to receive a grant from Upward Twist for my medical mission trip to El Salvador this March. This was actually my first time out of the country, so it definitely had a significant impact on my faith and the way I see the world. I was part of a team of doctors, a dentist, several medical students, and various others that set up a clinic and saw over 800 patients, 37 of which accepted Christ. Every single day taught me new lessons and drew me closer to Christ in different ways, but here were a few of my main take-aways:
- When I arrived in the airport, I had no cell service, I had never met anyone in my group, and I had no idea where to find them. For the first time in my life, I had to completely depend on God. Of course, He led me exactly where I needed to be, and surrounded me all week with believers who inspired and blessed me.
- Worshipping with the church in San Alejo (the small rural town where we held the clinic) was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. Singing along the best I could to familiar songs in an unfamiliar language, I felt the unity of the church that Jesus prayed about in John 17, and I had a true glimpse of how it will be in heaven when we all worship Him as one people. The pastor there shone with the joy of the Lord and love for Jesus in a way I have never seen before, and the church members there served us faithfully every day. I thought that I came to give, but I actually ended up receiving so much.
- I had never seen poverty like I did in El Salvador. I had never worked in conditions without AC or running water. At first it was difficult to reconcile my mindset with the things I saw there, but I understood truly for the first time that it is simply by God's grace that some of us are born with so many rich blessings. We do absolutely nothing to choose or deserve that. I also came to see that people everywhere are very similar; apart from Christ, we are all broken, living in darkness, hopeless. All of us on the team had been through difficult life experiences which God used for our good. Although it may not be gang violence or difficulty finding clean water, all of us face loss, temptations, and trials. Whether in El Salvador or in Orlando, the only true hope and healing you can offer anyone is Christ.
- I learned how to pray with patients, a habit which I intend to continue in my everyday life and work. I pray for more opportunities to witness and show people the light of Christ.
- Working in the clinic in El Salvador was some of my most rewarding work as a nurse yet. I have become fairly disillusioned in my everyday work; I have had too many experiences in which it is clear that people who claim they want to help people truly only care about money. The numbers are all that matter to them. To provide free, quality healthcare to people who truly need it was so refreshing. I hope to continue that, whether through future mission trips or just at home. I have signed up to volunteer at a free healthcare clinic in my community, and I feel strongly called to serve there and in my church. You don't have to go abroad to serve God; in fact, He often calls us to serve at home.
God started something in my heart and in the community of San Alejo on this trip, and He never makes mistakes. He will finish this work. I am so deeply grateful to everyone who supported me financially or through prayer. Thank you so much.
Dorie Bird