Lindsey Kevetter, RN
, Dominican Republic

I needed this trip to reset my personal nursing practice and bring me back to why I chose to be a nurse. Being a nurse in the United States and also practicing in the hospital setting can leave you jaded and not fully giving holistic care like I once learned back in nursing school. I imagined giving each patient I cared for my full time and energy and leaving my shift knowing I accomplished all my goals for that day. Now, 15 years later, I unfortunately cannot say that has happened for my patients. We are hard pressed to be fast, efficient, and process the high turnover rates with high patient satisfaction scores. Sitting at the bedside and getting to know my patient's story doesn't happen as often as I would like.
This Dominican Republic trip allowed me to care for patients with no pressure, time clock, or worries of all the charting I would have to complete. I was able to give my full attention as I triaged each patient, listened to their stories, prayed with them, guided them to the provider for further workup, and then sent them home with medicine they only receive once a year. Go Ministries partnered with Crosspoint Church out of Nashville, TN to allow us to use our skills and talents to serve the Haitians and Dominicans in 2 separate churches in Santiago. We were exposed to the culture barrier between Haitians and Dominicans and what unfortunate treatment occurs in Santiago to the Haitians. It was amazing to care for these people with different backgrounds and beliefs all in one church. We treated over 520 patients in 3 days with our medical team and truly walked away feeling so thankful for that time spent there. I might not have been able to fully communicate with my patients in Creole or Spanish, but a smile, hug, fist bump, or cuddle with a sweet infant spoke volumes. These people were precious and fully deserved the best care we could provide them. We also completed a prayer walk through the Haitian community next to the church at Brisas, and saw the living conditions these people are living in daily with their families. Tin, metal, and scrap wood for their walls and roof - dirt for their floor. Trash was all over their yards with chickens and dogs running freely. No running water, no plumbing, no electricity existed. Shockingly, these people were happy and thankful for what they had. This truly put my selfish needs into perspective. I learned so much from my time with them and walked away with such appreciation for Go Ministries who is reaching these people daily through their pastors and Dominican medical team.
The love shown in our short week there will continue through those pastors and missionaries and I can only be in awe of what kingdom work is being accomplished in Dominican Republic. I hope to pass on that light for God's love and passion for nursing again to my patients. I hope to be the advocate, hug, or kind presence my patients and families need. I am now focused, energized, and compelled to give the best care I can provide to any nationality or race with no stereotypes or judgments in mind. All people deserve God's forgiveness and grace, and all people deserve to feel his love. I only hope my time spent with those people showed His love to them through my actions and words. Our team was amazing, the Go Ministries team was amazing, and this trip was amazing! God used Upward Twist at the moment he knew I needed it most, and through you I was able to go on my first medical mission trip along with another nurse on our team.
Thank you Upward Twist for your prayers, support, and encouragement that made this happen!